There’s an old saying that says, when you’re young, you have time and energy but no money. When you get older, you have money and energy but no time. And later, when you finally have time and money, you no longer have energy. This statement can either be true or false depending upon ourselves - how we want to live our lives. Some people live day after day without purpose. Yet some people, even if they are old, they still have goals to accomplish every day.

If you are someone who looks forward to a fulfilled retirement, here are 7 ideas to help you stay happy and active in later life.  

1.Take Up Arts & Crafts

If your hobbies are drawing, painting, sculpting, or even embroidery, then you’ve been unknowingly promoting positive health. Creating arts and crafts encourages creative thinking, relieves stress and increases brain productivity. So if you have a lot of free time, you should create something artsy to enhance brain plasticity and connectivity as well as improve muscle strength and flexibility.       

2.Travel the World

This may not be a right time to give this advice with the ongoing pandemic. However, just remember that once it is all over, this may be the best idea to spend your life in retirement. When you travel, you get to learn and experience new things which slow down brain degeneration. Besides, traveling is also a fun way to keep you active like walking 10,000 steps a day which is a good moderate exercise for elderly.

3.Make Healthy Recipes

We all know that there’s no better food than the food we cook ourselves. That’s because when you’re cooking your own food, you are the one in charge of what exactly is going into your body. But if you never cooked before, that’s fine as it is never too late to start learning something new. Make cooking your new challenge, remember to go easy on yourself - you can’t be a professional chef overnight, and enjoy cooking!        

4.Plant a Garden

There are many benefits to planting a garden. The greenish colors of the leaves will help create a relaxing and calm environment. By soaking into the soil or watering the plants, it will stimulate our senses and increase our physical activity which will lead to a stronger body. In addition, getting close and being in contact with nature is also beneficial for the long-term mental health as well.     

5.Exercise to Stay Fit

Many people turn to exercising when stepping into retirement. Activities like running or cycling will make us physically and mentally stronger, reduce the risk of a heart attack, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers, and slow down the deterioration of the body. Exercising also helps secrete endorphins that make us feel good, relieve stress and reduce the risk of depression.

6.Learn to Play Music

Playing music is a leisure activity that helps build a wide variety of skills. Many people don’t know what to do when they’re retired and stay home a lot. You may bring out the old music instrument that you used to play as a kid, dust it off, and play it again. Or if you never learned to play music before but interested in playing one, then you should pick one specific instrument, set a goal, and practice a lot! 

7.Do Voluntary Work

If you have the knowledge or the ability that can be beneficial or passed on to others, you should definitely choose to do voluntary work. For instance, being a lecturer and sharing knowledge with schools and communities, or being a volunteer nurse and helping patients in hospitals. Apart from adding value to community and society, most elderly will discover new meaning and purpose in life after retirement.   

And these are all 7 ideas to help you stay happy and active in later life.

What are you planning to do in retirement? What are some other things to do that you would like to share? Please feel free to share your idea(s) in the comment!

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